Message from the Principal
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students:
Welcome to our Normandin Middle School Family! We are excited about beginning a new year of learning and caring. This is a special time in a young person's life when great changes are occurring physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially. Normandin Middle School is committed to being a developmentally responsive learning community that maintains high expectations. We celebrate our diversity as we work with our families and the community to provide the best educational experience for all our students.
We encourage you to be involved in Normandin Middle School as a family. Parent involvement is one of the keys to student success in school and we welcome parent participation in our school community. A first step s to be involved in our Parent Teacher Organization and support our ongoing efforts to provide for our students in every capacity. We also have a parent volunteer program that provides assistance in the office, library ad other areas of our school. Parents as partners help to ensure the success of all students. This is especially true when parents support reading and good habits at home.
The student handbook will assist you in understanding the procedures of Normandin Middle School and help us to maintain safety, order and discipline for our Normandin Middle School Family. Should you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact your child's guidance counselor. We are confident that creating a partnership between your school and your family will result in success for your child as our students chart their course for the future!
Justine Santos
Work Hard, Be Kind, Stay Safe